Book Review: Boss Bitch by Nicole Lapin

(Crown, 2017) by Alethea Spiridon Nicole Lapin knows what she’s talking about. She’s a wildly successful career woman who has blazed a path for herself as both a businesswoman (launching the CASH Smartwatch) and as a news anchor for CNN and CNBC. A boss bitch is the “she-ro” of her own story, Lapin writes on … Continue reading Book Review: Boss Bitch by Nicole Lapin

Book Review: What Next? by Dr. Barbara Moses

by Karen Kemlo Dr. Barbara Moses, known as “Canada’s career guru,” is a leading expert in work satisfaction and career success. This updated third edition of her best-selling book What Next? has something for anyone who is at a crossroads in their career or work life. From millennials starting out in their job searches to … Continue reading Book Review: What Next? by Dr. Barbara Moses

Seminars: Getting government work

Some of the highest-paid, most challenging and satisfying editing work is for government. But landing the projects can be as challenging and time-consuming as doing the work. This seminar covers the various ways in which governments at various levels farm out freelance and contract work. We will look at the complexities of getting on suppliers’ … Continue reading Seminars: Getting government work

Editors Canada call for submissions

Making contact with a potential client is good, getting a potential client to sign a contract is better. Do you have a method you use in order to ensure that the potential client you make contact with becomes a client you contract with? Editors Canada wants to hear about the tips and tricks you use … Continue reading Editors Canada call for submissions

Next-level networking for freelancers

by Michelle Waitzman As a freelance editor, you know that networking is an important part of marketing. But the prospect of networking is unappealing to many editors. Freelance editors generally tend to be introverts who are uncomfortable when surrounded by strangers and forced to make small talk. It can be downright nerve-racking! Joining Editors Canada … Continue reading Next-level networking for freelancers

The resumé, every which way: It’s a hustle

In this four-part series, I’ve been looking at how to prepare an editor’s resumé. First I talked about some micro matters. Then I talked about how to present yourself on a resumé for editing work—the main take away from that was to not describe yourself as a hybrid candidate if it’s not a hybrid role. … Continue reading The resumé, every which way: It’s a hustle

The resumé, every which way: Show, don’t tell

In earlier posts I talked about some fairly basic points to keep in mind when applying for editing work, and I offered some advice on how to position yourself on a resumé as an editor. Today, I’d like to talk about some typical errors people make concerning the language and content in their resumés. These … Continue reading The resumé, every which way: Show, don’t tell

The resumé, every which way: Either/or

What is editing? Earlier, I talked about some pretty basic things editors should keep in mind when preparing a resumé. Let’s talk about something more interesting and more important this time. I think, as editors, we can agree that what editors do is not fully understood— particularly by people who need editors. From the different … Continue reading The resumé, every which way: Either/or