The Nitpicker’s Nook: September’s linguistic links roundup

The Nitpicker’s Nook is a monthly collection of language-related articles, interviews, and blog posts from around the Web. If you read something that would make a good addition, email your suggestion to [email protected].

The Nitpicker's NookBy Emily Chau

  • Want to stock up on a few Canadian books, but don’t know where to start? Make it a fun and easy task with 49th Shelf, a Canadian site that is both free and interactive. (49th Shelf)
  • The passive voice has been disparaged time and time again, but sometimes it is the better choice. Do you agree with this author? And can you identify the passive voice in this linguistic quiz? (The Week)
  • By putting a “y” at the end of a noun or verb, you have made an unfamiliar adjective. Do you do this a lot? (The Chronicle of Higher Education)
  • An American Editor returns with a blog entry on how proofreading is sometimes viewed as a lesser skill than copy editing. Is this true, or is it all a matter of experience and specific projects? (An American Editor)

  • EAC member Adrienne Montgomerie wrote an article on checklists for editing and how they can help you through all manner of editing tasks, including factual accuracy, style and usage, elimination of stereotyping, and format. (com)
  • Another fun read: an article on prescriptive versus descriptive arguments in grammar. (The Chronicle of Higher Education)
  • Here’s an interesting discussion on the business of editing and, in particular, how pride of price can interfere with an editor’s business sense. (An American Editor)


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